This website - a digital online sketchbook - records the making and development of the Top 100 project, which began in 1999 as a small print studio based project for my B.Earley label. Now, over 20 years later, it serves as a vehicle for my practice research - experimenting with circular design approaches for textiles. Over the years what began as a personal textiles recycling project, has become a highly collaborative international research project. Dividing 100 shirts into a series of collections has meant that I could explore different narratives and concepts, taking my time to work slowly through the many interconnected ideas and theories. Many years later - I am still excited about remaking these shirts - and am finding out more and more every day about the incredible potential of our circular economies.
Professor Rebecca Earley, London, 2019
Biography: In true twenty-first century style, I am many things… Trained as a printed textile designer, I exhibit and sell work through my B.Earley label. My 'day job' is as an academic and practice-based researcher, at the University of the Arts London, where I am Co-Director of Centre for Circular Design (CCD) at Chelsea. To progress all the above interests, I am also an industry consultant - mainly working with inhouse design teams to build their knowledge, understanding, and enthusiasm for creating sustainable and circular fashion and textiles.
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